Chiro by Day

Battiling brain fog

Battling Brain Fog? Here are some tips on how to beat it

We have reached that time of year where the days are getting shorter, colder and time change is right around the corner. Brain fog is one of the most common issues patients are experiencing right now.  

Brain fog is a funny feeling in the head that can be different for everyone. For some its associated with slow thinking, confusion, neck pain, forgetfulness, fatigue, lack of interest in things they love, dizziness or trouble seeing things clearly, lack of energy or motivation or headaches. Most commonly they say “ I just don’t feel like myself”. If this is what you are experiencing keep reading for some tips.

Get better quality sleep

Remember quality over quantity is key here. Get into a habit of having a routine, minimize using blue screens 2 hours before bed, make sure you eat a few hours before you get into bed to help with digestion and cut out caffeine a few hours before bed. The best type of sleep you can get is deep sleep – this is when your brain waves slow down and your body is able to properly rest. Here’s a post to help you structure your sleep routine.

Recognize your triggers

Think about your day and what may be causing you to experience brain fog. Do you notice that the following morning after a heavy meal you feel out of it? Have you been going through a lot of stress? When you experience brain fog keep a diary on what you did or ate in the previous 24 hours. Do this for about 2 weeks and you may be able to figure out what is causing it. Sometimes eating heavy meals with dairy or binge watching Netflix for 8 hours can be the culprit.

Watch your food intake

Foods that contain MSG, aspartame, and even peanuts or dairy may be linked to brain fog. Notice how you feel after having a smoothie or a salad vs eating McDonalds or having a milkshake. Adding fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin B and antioxidants help boost your energy and help keep you doing all the things you need to do.

Get adjusted

Neck pain and headaches are common symptoms associated with brain fog. Chiropractic adjustments followed with at home stretches work efficiently with neck pain and headaches. Book online here for a Chiropractic appointment in Winnipeg.

better sleep