What is RAPID NeuroFascial Reset?
RAPID NeuroFascial Reset is a soft tissue technique that focuses on effectively releasing, relaxing and restoring fascial and muscular tissue which may help eliminate decreased motion and/or pain in some of the most common musculoskeletal disorders.
Before we discuss fascia it’s important we take some time to chat about what an adhesion is. As you may recall from my Graston Technique® posts, I mentioned adhesions there too and how Graston helps with that (click here if you want to learn about Graston).
So, what is an adhesion?
It’s any disorganized tissue in the body that directly or indirectly causes dysfunction or pain. It can be; a scar, tension/restriction, fibrosis, knot/trigger point and/or a soft tissue sore spot. Some common symptoms of adhesion include; reduced range of motion, muscle weakness and tightness creating a protective tension, fatigue, compensation, nerve entrapements- numbness or tingling and pain which would be found in the most neurological sensitive area.
So, what is Fascia?
The fascial system is a continuation of the three dimensional continuum of soft, collagen-containing, loose and dense fibrous connective tissues that permeate the body. It’s very rich in mechanoreceptors which is a sensory receptor that responds to mechanical pressure or distortion. These mechano/pain receptors make Fascia our richest sensory organ which may provide more pain sensation than that of muscle tissue. Fascia is basically the silk that allows our tissues to “slide and glide”. To effectively change motor control in the muscle, it’s important to address adhesions in the fasical system.
How does RAPID work?
Adding RAPID to C-fibres causes them to emit substance P. Substance P is a key first responder to most noxious/extreme stimuli (stressors) and is known as an immediate defense, stress, repair, survival system. A typical session consists of a physical assessment of the area of complaint and surrounding joints, palpation to find adhesions, shorten the tissue and apply pressure while actively lengthening the tissue.
I’ve had the opportunity of trying this new technique on my patients for over the last year and I have seen some great results in upper body issues as I am still trying to improve my technique. If you are interested in learning more about RAPID or would like to see a provider that is certified in the technique (like myself) please visit their website here to learn more and visit their FAQ.
Just like with any manual technique, there are contraindications to this technique as well, it’s important to discuss this with your provider if RAPID is beneficial for you. If you would like to schedule an appointment with me click here to book online for a Chiropractic appointment in Winnipeg.