Chiro by Day

Graston Technique®

What is Graston Technique®?

Graston Technique® is an instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) therapy. The instruments used are stainless steel with unique edge and angles specifically designed for different body locations and treatment goals. At first when I have taken out my tools, patients get a little scared because of how they look but they think they look intense like something you would see on Dexter, but they aren’t!

The purpose of Graston is to address soft tissue lesions and fascial restrictions. The goal is to restore pain free movement and function, help break down collagen cross links, stretching connective tissue and muscle fibres. Graston helps to increase cellular activity in the area  by increasing blood flow to the area and breaking down scar tissue which limits your range of motion.


Graston isn’t designed to be painful or cause excessive bruising and is used on a diagnostic basis. Some examples of conditions that Graston may be beneficial for are:

  • Tendinopathies (e.g. Lateral and Medial Epicondylosis, Supraspinatus Tendonitis) 
  • Fascial syndromes (e.g. plantar fasciitis, ITB syndrome) 
  • Ligament Pain syndromes (e.g. MCL/LCL sprain, AC ligament sprain, Ankle Sprains) 
  • Scar tissue adhesions 
  • Entrapment Syndromes (e.g. Carpal/Tarsal Tunnel) 
  • Secondary soft tissue lesions associated with other diagnoses


Most patients receive 1-2 treatments per week for about 4-5 weeks. Patients tend to notice a positive response by the 3rd -4th treatment session but the average number of treatments can be between 6-12 treatments if it’s a Chronic Issue. Bruising is normal but it feels amazing! I recommend it to most of my patients to help improve their range of motion! 

For more information you can check out Graston Technique® for resources and case study research articles! As with any form of treatment, there are contraindications to all forms of techniques. You should discuss with your health care provider if Graston can help you with your care. 

 If you would like to book an appointment, click here!

1 thought on “What is Graston Technique®?”

  1. Pingback: Can Graston Technique® help me with muscle relief? - Chiro by Day

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