Chiro by Day

Chiropractic adjustment

Most Common Conditions I see frequently in my Chiropractic Practice

Chiropractors focus primarily on the Musculoskeletal and Central Nervous System which is comprised basically of bones, muscles and nerves. In my practice I start by looking at the body as whole rather than its individual parts. I modify my technique based on what I think works best for the specific condition and most importantly the patient’s comfort level. For example, if my patient is over 70 years old I would adjust with an Activator® as opposed to a manual (high velocity low amplitude) adjustment. All of these conditions respond very well with addition to Graston Technique® Therapy.

Here’s a list of the 10 top conditions I see in my practice:

  1. Neck pain
  2. Shoulder pain
  3. Headaches & Migraines
  4. Low back pain
  5. Rib pain
  6. Wrist pain
  7. Elbow pain
  8. Ankle pain
  9. Knee pain
  10. Soft tissue injuries (e.g. whiplash, knee sprain, wrist sprain etc)

These conditions also present at times with occasional associated symptoms such as radiating pain into arm, fingers, legs, feet etc. Chiropractic care also helps with the relay of information between the brain and the organs while sending information through the spine via nerves. Chiropractors adjust misaligned vertebral segments which are called subluxations. Subluxations compromise nerves which go to another region of the body causing sharp and shooting pain- sometimes people commonly call this a “pinched nerve”. 


If you would like to schedule an appointment with me click here to book online for a Chiropractic appointment in Winnipeg.