Chiro by Day

carpal tunnel

Do you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or wrist pain?

If you work in an office you may have heard some of your colleagues talk about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, it’s common to hear about these days. But not every wrist issue is truly Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and I’m going to give a little more information as to why. 

What is Carpal Tunnel really?

By textbook definition, it ‘s when the median nerve gets compressed through the carpal canal and it doesn’t just happen overnight, it’s a slow and repetitive process due to repetitive motion injury in a workplace or occupational duties.

It’s commonly associated by wrist flexor tendinitis due to repetitive finger or wrist flexion/extension and Ulnar deviation (the Ulnar side of the wrist is where your pinky is). 

Some of the most common professions to have this syndrome are people that use fine hand movements such as; Seamstress, Dental Hygienists, Writers, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Mechanics, Power tool operators and Nail Technicians to name a few.  

You may also feel pins and needles in the thumb, index finger and middle finger but not so much over the palm of your hand or the front of the wrist.  Some symptoms include; tingling and burning night pain with morning stiffness, weakness in grip, numbness, decreased sensitivity to light touch and sharp-dull discrimination.  Patients often report they have to shake their hands to relieve the pain and symptoms they are experiencing. 

Now that we have a better idea of what Carpal Tunnel is, there are few conservative treatment options available to help with your pain initially which are fairly responsive. 

Avoiding repetitive Ulnar deviation, finger and wrist flexion and avoid using vibratory tools are all recommended during initial stages.  Stretching the wrist and elbow muscles may also bring some relief as well as proper ergonomics and patient education. Wrist supports in neutral position will also help keep the wrist from constantly ulnar deviating. Adjusting the wrist, elbow, shoulder and Cervico-Thoracic area may also help relieve the pain.

Visit your Chiropractor to learn more about what they can do to help! If you have any questions feel free to contact me! 

If you would like to schedule an appointment with me click here to book online for a Chiropractic appointment in Winnipeg.

Source: Conditions Manual By Dr.Nikita Viznia and Dr.Michael Carnes, Differential Diagnosis for the Chiropractor: Protocol and Alogorithms  by Thomas A. Souza